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American Hornbeam
Carpinus caroliniana
Distinguishing Features: Seeds are hanging clusters of nutlets with wide, papery wings, buds are tiny and pointed
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: Wide spreading, flat-topped crown, 20 to 30 feet tall
- Leaf: Alternate leaf arrangement, simple leaves, 2.5 long and 5 inches wide, oblong leaf shape, doubly-serrated leaf margin, dark green leaf color
- Flower: Monoecious with male and female flowers on the same plant, female flowers are 4 inches long
- Bark: Smooth, gray bark, fluted base, vertical ridges, slender, dark brown, hairy stems
- Fruit or Seed: A nutlet subtended by a 3-winged, leaf-like bract, 1 inch long, numerous nutlets are held together in pendulous chain-like clusters, color changes from green to brown
- Other:
Carpinus caroliniana form
Carpinus caroliniana fruit