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Striped Maple
Acer pensylvanicum
Distinguishing Features: White or green stripes on young branches, lobes start on outer half of leaf
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: Typically 15 feet to 20 feet or taller, develops a broad, uneven, flat-topped or rounded crown. Often irregular and open
- Leaf: Opposite, 3-lobed, 5 to 7 inches long and wide, bright green,in autumn, leaves become striking clear yellow
- Flower: Small yellow flowers (1/3 inch diameter) bloom in pendant racemes (to 6 inches long)
- Bark: Greenish bark on young branches and young trunks is vertically marked with distinctive white stripes. Stripes may vanish over time as older bark turns reddish brown.
- Fruit or Seed: winged samaras (to 1 inch long)
- Other:
Acer pensylvanicum form
Acer pensylvanicum leaf