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Tree Key > Needles > Single
Show on a Map Dawn Redwood
Metasequoia glyptostroboides
Distinguishing Features: Round cones are bluish when young, stems always grow in pairs opposite each other.
  • Type: Deciduous Conifer
  • Form at maturity: Uniform cone, up to 90 ft tall
  • Leaf: Needle-like leaves, opposite, arranged in flat sprays, .5 inch long, medium to bright green, pinkish tan to reddish bronze in fall
  • Flower: Inconspicuous
  • Bark: Shredded, braided and fluted structure, reddish-brown
  • Fruit or Seed: Elongated or rounded cones, .5 to 1 inch long, bloomy blue when young
  • Other: Trunk base becomes braided and fluted when mature. Golden leaved vareties are available.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides fruit
Metasequoia glyptostroboides form