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Ginkgo biloba
Distinguishing Features: Fan-shaped leaves with parallel veins and notches
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: 40 to 80 feet tall by 30 to 40 feet wide, has pyramidal, rounded shape
- Leaf: Alternate, simple, 2-3 inches long, triangular in shape, leaves are on spurs in clusters of 3-5, Fan shaped with parallel leaf margins and notched at apex, bright green color which turns yellow in fall
- Flower: Male flowers are in 1 inch long greenish catkins, Female flowers are less conspicuous
- Bark: Grey to brown, ridged
- Fruit or Seed: 3/4 to 1-1/2 inch in size and light orange to tan in color. Present as clusters of 2-6.
- Other:
Ginkgo biloba leaf