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Philly Tree Map

Tree Key > Leaves > Simple > Smooth Edge > Berry
Show on a Map Fringetree
Chionanthus virginicus
Distinguishing Features: White, fringe-like flowers in showy clusters, fruit is small blue-black berry on female plants
  • Type: Deciduous
  • Form at maturity: Shape ranges from irregular and open to dense and rounded , 12 to 20 feet tall
  • Leaf: Opposite arrangement, simple, elliptic or elongated leaves, acute base and tip, leaves are 3 to 8 inches long, color is dark green, fall color is a mix of yellow, green and brown
  • Flower: Dioecious, with male and female plants, white, fringe-like flowers, flowers are in loose clusters, clusters are 4 to 8 inches long
  • Bark: Smooth on young branches, slightly ridged and rough on mature trunks, gray color
  • Fruit or Seed: Blue-black "olive-like" fruits, 0.5 to 0.8 inches long, held in clusters
  • Other: