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Willow Oak
Quercus phellos
Distinguishing Features: Bristle on leaf tip
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: 50 to 70 feet tall, pyramidal when young, rounded, broad-rounded or upright rounded when mature
- Leaf: Alternate leaf arrangement, simple, deciduous leaves, entire leaf margins, lanceolate leaf shape, 2 to 5 inches long, bristle-tipped leaf apex, dark green leaf color, yellow to bronzy-red fall color
- Flower: Insignificant monoecious yellowish-green flowers in separate male and female catkins
- Bark: Gray-brown bark color, shallow ridges and furrows
- Fruit or Seed: Acorn in pairs or singly, 0.5 inch across or less, pubescent, bowl-like cap is striated with brown and black bands
- Other:
Quercus phellos form
Quercus phellos leaf
Quercus phellos fruit