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Amur Chokecherry
Prunus maackii
Distinguishing Features: Large showy clusters of white flowers, hairs on underside of leaf's central vein
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: 30 to 40 feet tall, rounded to vase-shaped crown
- Leaf: Simple, deciduous leaves, alternate leaf arrangement, serrate leaf margins, ovate leaf shape, 2 to 4 inches long, medium green leaf color (in summer), yellow fall color
- Flower: White flowers in 6- to 10-flowered clusters (racemes, 2 to three feet in length)
- Bark: Shiny, reddish brown, peeling bark
- Fruit or Seed: Rounded, black drupe , 0.5 inch in diameter,
- Other:
Prunus maackii form
Prunus maackii leaf