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Philly Tree Map

Tree Key > Leaves > Simple > Smooth Edge > Berry
Show on a Map Sourwood
Oxydendrum arboreum
Distinguishing Features: Clusters of seed capsules at the ends of branches, red twigs with green spots
  • Type: Deciduous
  • Form at maturity: 25 feet to 30 feet tall, pyramidal shaped, has drooping and swooping branches
  • Leaf: Leaves are alternate, elliptical shape with a pointed tip, leaf margins may have slight serrations, leaves are shiny, bright green to dark green in summer, rich maroon, scarlet or plum colored in autumn. 3 to 8 inches long and 1.5 to 3.5 inches wide
  • Flower: 0.25 inch in diameter, White urn-shaped flowers, are held in terminal nodding, elongated clusters (4 to 8 inches long)
  • Bark: Twigs are bright red and green and glabrous, gray bark on mature trees is fissured, ridged and scaly
  • Fruit or Seed: 0.3 inch long dehiscent 5-parted dry, oval-shaped capsules that ripen to silver-gray in September
  • Other: