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American Red Bud
Cercis canadensis
Distinguishing Features: Heart-shaped leaves, showy pink flowers on old branches and trunks, flattened seed pods
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: 20 to 30 feet tall, shape is rounded to broad and flat-topped
- Leaf: Alternately-arranged, simple leaves, wide, heart-shaped leaves, leaves are 3 to 5 inches long and wide, leaves emerge bright green tinged red and mature to a dark green
- Flower: Small, purplish-pink pea-like flowers, in clusters of 4 to 8
- Bark: Bark on stems is glabrous and reddish-brown to dark brown, older branches have a scaly dark brown bark that exfoliates some to reveal orangish inner bark
- Fruit or Seed: Flattened legume pods, 2 to 3 inches long, changes from green to dark brown
- Other:
Cercis canadensis leaf
Cercis canadensis flower
Cercis canadensis fruit