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Tree Key > Leaves > Simple > Toothed Edge > Petaled Flower
Show on a Map Korean Stewartia
Stewartia koreana
Distinguishing Features: Bark flakes off in plates, long buds with hairs at the tip
  • Type: Deciduous
  • Form at maturity: 20 to 30 feet tall, pyramidal or oval shape
  • Leaf: Alternate leaf arrangement, simple, elliptic leaves, dark green color, very minute serrations along the margin, leaf color is mix of orange, yellow, red and purple in autumn
  • Flower: White flowers with yellow stamens, 3 inches in diameter, 5 to 6 petals, more open and flattened than S. pseudocamellia
  • Bark: Flakes off in irregular puzzle piece shapes, color is a mix of steel gray, browns and orange-brown, underlying bark is very smooth
  • Fruit or Seed: A hard, woody, pointed capsule, dehisces in 5 parts, brown color when mature, 1.5 to 2 inches long
  • Other: