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European Hornbeam
Carpinus betulus
Distinguishing Features: Seeds are hanging clusters of nutlets with narrow, papery wings, buds curve toward the stem
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: grows 40-60 feet (less frequently to 80 feet) tall with a pyramidal to oval-rounded crown.
- Leaf: Ovate, sharply-toothed, dark green, turn an undistinguished yellow to orange in fall.
- Flower: Monoecious with male and female flowers on the same plant, male flowers are 1.5 inches long catkins, female flowers are 1.5 to 3 inches long
- Bark: Smooth fluted bark, showy steel-gray color
- Fruit or Seed: Fruits are small nutlets in 3-lobed bracts
- Other:
Carpinus betulus leaf
Carpinus betulus fruit