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Tree Key > Leaves > Simple > Lobed > Acorn
Show on a Map Bur Oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Distinguishing Features: Shallow and rounded lobes, acorn caps are hairy around edges
  • Type: Deciduous
  • Form at maturity: 70 to 80 feet tall, somewhat columnar in youth, broad crown with age
  • Leaf: Alternate leaf arrangement, simple, leaves, obovate leaf shape, 4 to 10 inches long, whitish tomentose leaf underside, dark green leaf color, yellowish-brown fall color
  • Flower: Male flowers are yellow-green, borne in long, drooping slender catkins, 2 to 4 inches long; female flowers are green tinged in red and appear as single, short spikes
  • Bark: Grayish-brown bark color, flaky distinct bark
  • Fruit or Seed: 1 to 1.5 inches long, brown acorn, ovoid shape, 0.5 inch covered by scaly involucre, involucre is downy on inside, downy at apex
  • Other:
Quercus macrocarpa fruit