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American Sycamore
Platanus occidentalis
Distinguishing Features: Seed balls are usually solitary, inner bark white
- Type: Deciduous
- Form at maturity: 75 to 90 feet tall, pyramidal in youth, broad, rounded crown when mature
- Leaf: Leaves are simple and alternately arranged, 6 inches to 10 inches long, 3 to 5 lobed margins having coarse marginal teeth, ovate shaped, medium green leaf color, turning yellow-brown in autumn
- Flower: Monoecious flowers appear in small rounded clusters, male flowers are yellowish and female flowers are reddish
- Bark: Red to gray-brown colored exfoliating bark, white inner bark
- Fruit or Seed: Fuzzy looking, rounded, tannish brown fruit, 1 inch in diameter, found solitarily
- Other:
Platanus occidentalis form
Platanus occidentalis leaf
Platanus occidentalis fruit