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Philly Tree Map

Tree Key > Leaves > Simple > Toothed Edge > Tiny Flower
Tiny Flower
Distinguishing Features: Rubbery sap when leaf is boken
Distinguishing Features: Seeds in the center of a wing, bark sheds in plates
Distinguishing Features: Seeds in the center of a deeply notched wing, young leaves have a fuzzy underside
Distinguishing Features: Leathery leaves, dark blue fruit on female trees, branches at 90 degree angle to trunk
Distinguishing Features: Leaf bases are not even, small heart shaped leaves, buds are light brownish-green
Distinguishing Features: Young stems, buds and leaf undersides are fuzzy
Distinguishing Features: Seeds in the center of a wing, young twigs are fuzzy
Distinguishing Features: Young bark has many raised lighter horizontal bumps, older bark sheds to show orange underneath
Distinguishing Features: Nuts in a papery sheath with curved spikes, long narrow pointy buds