American Basswood |
Tilia americana |
Leaf bases are not even, large heart shaped leaves, buds are dark reddish-brown |
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American Beech |
Fagus grandifolia |
Nuts in a papery sheath with curved spikes, long narrow pointy buds |
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American Holly |
Ilex opaca |
Short spines at leaf points, dark green above with lighter green below |
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American Hornbeam |
Carpinus caroliniana |
Seeds are hanging clusters of nutlets with wide, papery wings, buds are tiny and pointed |
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American Red Bud |
Cercis canadensis |
Heart-shaped leaves, showy pink flowers on old branches and trunks, flattened seed pods |
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American Smoke Tree |
Cotinus obovatus |
Flowers in large, “smokey” clusters, flaky bark and some leaves have notched tips |
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American Sweetgum |
Liquidambar styraciflua |
Spiny seed balls that last into winter |
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American Sycamore |
Platanus occidentalis |
Seed balls are usually solitary, inner bark white |
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Amur Chokecherry |
Prunus maackii |
Large showy clusters of white flowers, hairs on underside of leaf's central vein |
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Amur Maackia |
Maackia amurensis |
White flowers in large clusters, curly shedding amber-colored bark |
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Amur Maple |
Acer ginnala |
Prominent central lobe with toothed edges |
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Austrian Pine |
Pinus nigra |
Needles in bundles of 2 and very sharp |
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Birch |
Betula nigra |
Creamy orange shedding bark, male catkins grouped in threes, shiny leaves with large and small teeth |
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Black Cherry |
Prunus serotina |
Large showy clusters of white flowers, bright red berries |
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Black Locust |
Robinia psuedoacacia |
Showy white flowers in long hanging clusters, thorns on stems near buds |
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Black Tupelo |
Nyssa sylvatica |
Leathery leaves, dark blue fruit on female trees, branches at 90 degree angle to trunk |
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Black Walnut |
Juglans nigra |
Fleshy green layer around nuts, juice will dye skin and clothes brown |
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Blue Spruce |
Picea pungens |
Needle color from slightly blue to very obviously blue, wavy cone scale edges |
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Boxelder |
Acer negundo |
Many leaflets, young twigs have a waxy layer that can be rubbed off |
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Bur Oak |
Quercus macrocarpa |
Shallow and rounded lobes, acorn caps are hairy around edges |
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Callelry Pear |
Pyrus calleryana |
Leathery leaves with wavy edges, long leaf stems, fruit covered in brownish-red dots |
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Chestnut Oak |
Quercus prinus |
Shallow lobes, very dark bark and large acorns |
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Common Baldcypress |
Taxodium distichum |
Root spurs or knees in wet sites, globe-shaped brown cones Root spurs or knees in wet sites, globe-shaped brown cones |
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Common Chokecherry |
Prunus virginiana |
Large showy clusters of white flowers, bright red berries |
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Corktree |
Phellodendron amurense |
Corky and ridged bark, black or green berries |
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Crapemyrtle |
Lagerstroemia indica |
Showy white, pink or purple flowers in large clusters, fruit is dry 6-part capsule that splits when dry |
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Dawn Redwood |
Metasequoia glyptostroboides |
Round cones are bluish when young, stems always grow in pairs opposite each other. |
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Delaware American Elm |
Ulmus americana |
Seeds in the center of a wing, young twigs are fuzzy |
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Devil's Walking Stick |
Aralia spinosa |
Prickles on young stems, large clusters of tiny flowers at branch tips |
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Dogwood |
Cornus florida |
Flowers are small green clusters with 4 large white petal-like bracts, bright red fruit in clusters of 3 to 4 |
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Eastern Cottonwood |
Populus deltoides |
Large sticky buds, seeds have white cottony fibers |
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Eastern Hemlock |
Tsuga canadensis |
Young twigs are fuzzy, small cones have smooth scale edges |
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Eastern Redcedar |
Juniperus virginiana |
May have both needles and flat scales on the same tree, waxy blue berry-like cones |
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Eastern White Pine |
Pinus strobus |
Needles in bundles of 5 with toothed edges, long slightly curved hanging cones |
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English Hawthorn |
Crataegus laevigata |
1 inch thorns along stems, deeply lobed leaves, bright red berries |
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English Oak |
Quercus robur |
Shallow and rounded lobes, long rounded acorns in clusters up to 5 |
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European Hornbeam |
Carpinus betulus |
Seeds are hanging clusters of nutlets with narrow, papery wings, buds curve toward the stem |
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Flowering crabapple |
Malus spp |
5 petaled flowers, small red to yellow apples |
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Fringetree |
Chionanthus virginicus |
White, fringe-like flowers in showy clusters, fruit is small blue-black berry on female plants |
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Ginko |
Ginkgo biloba |
Fan-shaped leaves with parallel veins and notches |
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Golden Rain Tree |
Koelreuteria paniculata |
Leaflets are irregularly lobed or toothed, showy yellow flower clusters, papery lantern-shaped seed pods |
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Green Ash |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica |
Single-winged seeds in sparse clusters |
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Hackberry |
Celtis spp |
Small black fruit with a large seed, zigzag stem pattern |
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Hardy Rubber Tree |
Eucommia ulmoides |
Rubbery sap when leaf is boken |
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Hedge Maple |
Acer campestre |
Milky sap in leaf veins, young twigs may bace corky ridges |
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Hop Hornbeam |
Ostrya virginiana |
Fruit clusters look like hops, bark is ropy and knotted on older trees |
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Horsechestnut |
Aesculus hippocastanum |
Showy flowers in large spikes, leaflets attached to a center point, spiky husk around nuts |
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Japanese Pagoda Tree |
Styphnolobium japonicum |
Green bark on young branches with raised tan spots, fleshy green pods that narrow significantly between seeds |
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Japanese Tree Lilac |
Syringa reticulata |
White flowers in large clusters, seed capsules split in half when dry |
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Katsuratree |
Cercidiphyllum japonicum |
Heart-shaped leaves that are purple when young, seeds are small, fleshy pods in pairs on stems |
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Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Gymnocladus dioicus |
Very large, chunky seed pod with large seeds |
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Korean Stewartia |
Stewartia koreana |
Bark flakes off in plates, long buds with hairs at the tip |
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Lacebark Elm |
Ulmus parvifolia |
Seeds in the center of a wing, bark sheds in plates |
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Littleleaf Linden |
Tilia cordata |
Leaf bases are not even, small heart shaped leaves, buds are light brownish-green |
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London Planetree |
Platanus acerifolia |
Seed balls are usually clustered in 2's and 3's, bark falls off in plates, inner bark creamy |
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Magnolia |
Magnolia acuminata |
Large silvery and fuzzy buds at ends of branches, fruit large and fleshy, shaped like a small cucumber |
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Mulberry |
Morus rubra |
Dark reddish-black blackberry-like fruits, leaves may be irregularly lobed |
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Northern Catalpa |
Catalpa speciosa |
Heart-shaped leaves, flowers in showy clusters with spotted throats, fruit is a long bean |
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Northern White Cedar |
Thuja occidentalis |
Small scale-like leaves, small woody cone that splits, young branches lay flat |
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Norway Maple |
Acer platanoides |
Seed wings have wide angle, mature in the fall and stay on the tree late |
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Norway Spruce |
Picea abies |
Long narrow cones with notched scales |
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Paperbark Maple |
Acer griseum |
Sheading cinnamon-brown bark, buds ar sharp and dark purplish-brown |
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Pignut Hickory |
Carya glabra |
Last leaflet is largest, sharply toothed leaves, nut husk splits in 4 sections |
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Pin Oak |
Quercus palustris |
Deep narrow and pointed lobes, small acorns |
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Purpleblow Maple |
Acer truncatum |
Middle lobe is much larger, side lobes are very small, red seeds and wings |
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Red Maple |
Acer rubrum |
Red flowers, leaf stems and seed wings, changes color early in the fall |
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Red Oak |
Quercus rubra |
Shallow and pointed lobes with bristles at tip, large acorns |
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Royal Paulownia |
Paulownia tomentosa |
Lavender flowers in spikes, fruit is a large capsule that dries and splits when mature |
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Sassafras |
Sassafras albidum |
Leaves with 0, 1 or 2 lobes |
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Sawtooth Oak |
Quercus acutissima |
Bristle-like teeth along edges, young leaves are fuzzy |
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Serviceberry |
Amelanchier grandiflora |
Young leaves are purplish, bright red fruits |
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Shagbark Hickory |
Carya ovata |
Shaggy bark, usually only 5 leaflets, thick nut husk splits |
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Shingle Oak |
Quercus imbricaria |
Very dark and shiny green leaves, small and squat acorns |
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Shumard Oak |
Quercus shumardii |
Deep and pointed lobes, large acorns with a small cap |
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Siberian Elm |
Ulmus pumila |
Seeds in the center of a deeply notched wing, young leaves have a fuzzy underside |
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Silktree |
Albizia julibrissin |
Pink to red thread-like flowers |
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Silver Linden |
Tilia tomentosa |
Young stems, buds and leaf undersides are fuzzy |
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Sourwood |
Oxydendrum arboreum |
Clusters of seed capsules at the ends of branches, red twigs with green spots |
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Staghorn Sumac |
Rhus typhina |
Leaflet center stem and young branches are hairy, fruit in a bright red spike at tops of branches |
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Striped Maple |
Acer pensylvanicum |
White or green stripes on young branches, lobes start on outer half of leaf |
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Sugar Maple |
Acer saccharum |
Seeds are round and firm and stay green after the wings turn brown, red and orange leaves on the same tree in the fall |
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Swamp Cottonwood |
Populus heterophylla |
Small sticky buds, fruit is a small dry capsule |
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Swamp White Oak |
Quercus bicolor |
Shallow and rounded lobes, leaf is wider near tip |
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Sycamore Maple |
Acer psuedoplatanus |
Leaves are thick and leathery with deep veins |
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Tall Stewartia |
Stewartia monadelpha |
Bright cinnamon brown smooth bark, multiple trunks |
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Tatarian Maple |
Acer tataricum |
Prominent central lobe with very small side lobes, no buds at the end of twigs |
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Thornless Honeylocust |
Gleditsia triacanthos |
Large thorns on branches, large flat and twisted pods |
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Tree Filbert |
Corylus colurna |
Nuts in a papery sheath, young twigs and leaf stems slightly fuzzy, large male catkins in the spring |
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Tree of Heaven |
Ailanthus altissima |
Very large leaves with many leaflets, single seed in twisted pod on female trees |
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Trident Maple |
Acer buergeranum |
Duck-foot shaped leaf and orange tinted bark |
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Tuliptree |
Liriodendron tulipifera |
Leaves have 4 lobes and are nearly flat on top, large yellow blossoms at the end of branches |
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Upright Mountain Ash |
Sorbus aucuparia |
Clusters of white flowers, then red berries |
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Viburnum |
Viburnum suspensum |
Evergreen, small pink trumpet-shaped flowers on clusters at branch tips |
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Washington Hawthorn |
Crataegus phaenopyrum |
1 to 3 inch thorns along stems, bright red beries |
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White Ash |
Fraxinus americana |
Single-winged seeds in dense clusters, buds fuzzy and dark reddish brown |
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White Oak |
Quercus alba |
Lobes are deep and rounded, light colored flaky bark |
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Willow |
Salix spp |
Seeds have long white hairs, leaves are narrow and pointed |
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Willow Oak |
Quercus phellos |
Bristle on leaf tip |
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Witch Hazel |
Hamamelis virginiana |
Flowers appear after leaves drop, seed capsule explosively expels seeds in the fall |
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Yellowwood |
Cladrastis kentukea |
White pea-like flowers in long clusters, flattened seed pods that turn brown before leaves, alternate compound leaves |
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Yew |
Taxus brevifolia |
Needle stem runs along the twig for a short distance, fleshy red berry with a hole at the end |
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Yoshino Crytomeria |
Cryptomeria japonica |
Needles curve in towards the stem, turns bronze during winter, round spiky cones |
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Zelkova |
Zelkova serrata |
Young bark has many raised lighter horizontal bumps, older bark sheds to show orange underneath |
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